Student Services

Shana Schadler, MA, Ed. is the Manager of Operations and brings several years of experience in higher education to JPU. Contact her by calling 574-232-2408 or emailing to for assistance with:
Student services are available to all students, regardless of whether they reside locally. Student services are very important to the success of students, so JPU leadership ensures appropriate budgetary resources are available.
Call JPU Administrative Staff at 574-232-2408
Click on Student Resources from the course menu of any of your classes within JPU’s Learning Management System
A new student will receive online orientation including computer hardware and software requirements, resources available for successful completion of program requirements, as well as policies and procedures prior to the start of a program. Completion of administrative matters are also taken care of at this time. Each student will receive a written course outline no later than the first day of class.
Student Email
Students are given an JPU email with the domain. Email is provided by Microsoft®Outlook365. Student email accounts expire no later than 90 days after graduation. Upon the expiration of the student email account, no data is saved. Students who wish to save correspondence should do so prior to the expiration date.
It resources are provided for University-related purposes including support for instruction, research, administrative functions, and student use for the purpose of facilitating the successful completion of coursework. Use of the resources should be limited to these purposes, including incidental personal use.
Users are responsible for being aware of any University policies or regulations that govern the use of IT resources. Refer to JPU’s Appropriate Use Policy for IT Resources. Users must comply with all federal and state laws and University policies. Incidental personal use must not interfere with the intended us of the IT resources or include any illegal activity.
Books and Supplies
Course material and resources will be provided to the students online. Required textbooks are to be obtained by the student. JPU does not have a bookstore where books and supplies may be purchased. JPU provides a textbook listing by program which provides textbook information including ISBN-13 and price.
Student Advising
Academic: Students are encouraged to seek academic counsel from the faculty members, and Administrator – not only during registration periods but also during the academic year when problems and questions arise.
Admissions: Prospective students of the college are interviewed by an Admissions Representative to make sure their career objectives can be served by the college’s academic resources. Those persons whose objectives cannot be served by the programs of the college are advised to seek other educational institutions that offer programs more aligned to their fields of interest.
Employment: JPU graduate placement support begins the first semester the student enters the program. Students are informed of opportunities in the industry during boot camp and encouraged to be active with early networking. JPU meets with every student during boot camp and discusses employment opportunities and placement opportunities. Students have access to faculty to assist with résumé writing, résumé reviews, rehearsing interviews, and coaching. JPU faculty are actively engaged with students and connecting them with opportunities through professional associations and relationships. JPU is evaluating other mechanisms to increase the student’s exposure to employers. Graduate employment is very important to JPU.
Financial Assistance: Students may seek information from Administrative Services to manage financial arrangements.
Personal: Students and potential students are welcome and encouraged to seek assistance from any member of the staff or faculty regarding professional, personal, financial, and /or admissions advice when issues arise that have a negative effect on their ability to do their best work at John Patrick University of Health and Applied Sciences. When appropriate, students are referred to outside agencies or professionals for support or assistance. Through our on line program student are given access to counseling services through This website provides information, tools and support to address barriers to their success. Comprehensive student services are based on an individualized service. Students have access 24/7 to telephone counseling for students in crisis, assessment and students.
WellConnect by Student Resource Services
All students also have access to the WellConnect website ( for information, tools, and support to address barriers to their success. Comprehensive
Student Resource Services provided by JPU
All students also have access to the WellConnect by Student Resource Services (SRS) website ( for information, tools, and support to address barriers to their success. Comprehensive student services are based on an individualized service plan and include:
- Unlimited 24‐7 telephone counseling response to any covered students in crisis, assessment and students needing additional support or identifying new needs/requests;
- Telephone counseling/life coaching (1‐5 telephone counseling hours) from a licensed mental health professional;
- Individualized resource searches for all covered students, focused on issues that impede student success, including special adjustment needs by specific populations such as returning veterans;
- Telephone consultations for all covered students with an attorney or financial expert;
- Follow‐up and outreach with the student until all issues are resolved sufficiently that the student can be successful in personal and school goals;
- Staff/faculty formal referral of students with intensive needs;
- Faculty consultation on any student concerns that would impede that student from being successful.
A specialist can be reached by telephone 24 hours a day, including holidays and weekends.
Contact Information:
Student Access Code: Available through your student account
Phone: 866-640-4777
App: Search for GetWellConnectEd
Additional Personal Counseling Services
- Department of Health and Human Services Counseling Locations
- Phone: 1-800-622-HELP (1-800-622-4357)
- Text message: 435748 (HELP4U)
- American Sign Language
- 1-800-985-5990
- 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
- Text: 988
- Phone: 911
- Email:
- National Directory for Treatment of Recovery Service Centers
Non-Discrimination Policy
John Patrick University of Health and Applied Sciences is non-sectarian and does not discriminate with regard to race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, gender, disability, marital status, or any other legally protected status or other protected class in any of its academic course activities, employment practices, or admissions policies.
Students with Disabilities
If you feel you have a disability and need special accommodations of any nature whatsoever, please communicate them with the Director of Administrative Services by emailing or calling 574-232-2408 before or during the first week of classes. The Director of Administrative Services will inform faculty as needed and the faculty member will make every effort to provide reasonable accommodations to ensure that you have a fair opportunity to perform in your course work.
Facilities and Services for Students with Disabilities
John Patrick University of Health and Applied Sciences is proactive in meeting the needs of students with disabilities. Students with disabilities who have been admitted to the University may be eligible for tutors, note takers, extended time on exams, or assistive technology. All students admitted to the University have both building and program access.
Student services for disabilities include physical disability, learning disability, ADD/ADHD, and multiple disabilities. Students with disabilities are responsible for submitting appropriate documentation of their disability. Documentation from a psychiatrist, licensed clinical psychologist, or medical doctor are accepted. Students with disabilities may submit appropriate documentation to the Director of Administrative Services upon enrollment to the school or as soon as documentation is received by the student to submit to the school. Documentation should be submitted via email or mail:
John Patrick University of Health and Applied Sciences
Attn: Director of Administrative Services
100 E. Wayne Street, Suite 140
South Bend, IN 46601
Via email to
JPU provides reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities arranged by the Director of Administrative Services. During boot camp week when students are on campus, all building and classroom facilities are able to accommodate students with documented disabilities. Entry to the building and school facilities, including classrooms, common areas, and restrooms, are handicap accessible. Elevators are available, if needed.
Safety and Security
John Patrick University provides the Annual Security Report and Fire Safety Report on or before October 1st each year. The report contains safety and non-discrimination policies, personal safety and security education, sex offender registration information, emergency preparedness policy, crime statistics, CLERY procedures, and a fire safety report. The report is also provided as an Appendix to the Academic Catalog.
Contact JPU by Phone: 574-232-2408
Contact JPU by email:
Grievance Policy and Procedures
First Step– Anyone with a grievance or complaint initiate a formal grievance by submitting a Formal Grievance Form. The first step is an individual conference with the instructor or staff member to discuss the matter.
Second Step-If a satisfactory resolution to the problem is not reached, the aggrieved party should seek guidance from the Director.
Third Step-If the grievance is not resolved within 5 days of the incident, the aggrieved party must present to the Director, in writing, all facts of the grievance.
Within 48 hours, upon receipt of the written information, the Director will schedule a Grievance Committee hearing. The time of the meeting will be communicated in writing to all parties. The committee will consist of the Academic Dean and two staff or faculty members not involved with the incident in question.
All Persons or their representatives involved with the incident must be present via teleconference at the time of the hearing. All parties involved will be given the opportunity to discuss the grievance. The Grievance Committee will excuse all parties involved in the grievance and immediately review and conclude the case. The decision of the committee will be communicated to those involved in the incident within 48 hours. The committee decision will be final.
Refer to the Academic Catalog for additional resources on student complaint procedures beyond JPU’s grievance policy. You can also visit for more information.
Other Complaint Procedures
JPU is authorized by the Indiana Commission for Higher Education/Board for Proprietary Education. Students residing outside of Indiana may contact the Indiana Commission for Higher Education concerning complaints after having completed JPU’s grievance process.
Indiana Board for Proprietary Education Complaint Process
Complaints involving institutions under the Board for Proprietary Education’s jurisdiction are handled through the Indiana Commission for Higher Education.
The Commission for Higher Education is responsible for responding to formal complaints against public, independent non-profit and proprietary institutions of higher education in Indiana. While the Commission has limited authority over colleges and universities, and cannot offer legal advice or initiate civil court cases, Commission staff will review submitted complaints and work with student complainants and institutions.
- Discrimination: If a student believes that an institution has acted in a discriminatory manner, he/she may wish to contact the Indiana Civil Rights Commission (ICRC) using the ICRC’s complaint form located at or call them at (800) 628-2909.
- Financial Aid: If a student has been denied state of Indiana financial aid, they may file an appeal form located at or direct any questions to the Student Support Center by calling 1 (888) 528-4719.
- Law Violations: If a student believes that a college or university has violated state or federal law, he/she may wish to contact the Office of the Indiana Attorney General at (317) 232-6201 or
After filing a complaint with the Attorney General’s Office or ICRC without resolution, the student may still hire an attorney and adjudicate the complaint through the court system.
Within two years of the incident about which the student is complaining, he/she must contact the Commission for Higher Education using the complaint form located at
Please note that the Commission cannot, by law, review complaints related to course grades, academic sanctions or discipline/conduct matters. In other areas, such as transferring credits between public institutions, the Commission has greater statutory authority.
Please follow the steps outlined below to submit a complaint:
If a student has concerns related to classroom situations or administrative actions, he/she should contact the faculty or staff member(s) with whom he/she has a conflict. It may be possible to resolve the concerns without the need for formal institutional action. However, if the student’s complaint is not resolved satisfactorily, or if the complaint cannot be resolved by contacting the faculty or staff member(s), the student should proceed to STEP 2.
The student should file a complaint through his/her institution of higher education’s established complaint process. Information on the process can usually be found in the institution’s Academic Catalog, Student Handbook, or website. If the student is unable to resolve the complaint in this manner, he/she should proceed to STEP 3.
After receiving a complaint through our complaint form, Commission staff will review the submitted materials and contact the submitter for any required additional information or clarifications. The Commission will then send a copy of the complaint to the institution against which the complaint has been filed and ask for a response within three weeks. After receiving the college or university’s response, Commission staff will determine whether the institution’s student complaint process has been followed and exhausted and what additional steps or follow-up may be taken. The Commission will inform both parties involved in the complaint.
If you have additional questions about the complaint process, or want to clarify that your individual complaint is reviewable by the Commission, please feel free to contact
Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC) Student Complaint Procedure
Schools accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges must have a procedure and operational plan for handling student complaints. If a student does not feel that the school has adequately addressed a complaint or concern, the student may consider contacting the Accrediting Commission. All complaints reviewed by the Commission must be in written form and should grant permission for the Commission to forward a copy of the complaint to the school for a response. This can be accomplished by filing the ACCSC Complaint Form. The complainant(s) will be kept informed as to the status of the complaint as well as the final resolution by the Commission. Please direct all inquiries to:
Accrediting Commission of Career Schools & Colleges
2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 302
Arlington, VA 22201
(703) 247-4212
A copy of the ACCSC Complaint Form is available at the school and may be obtained by contacting Betsy Datema, Director of Administrative Services at 574-232-2408 or or online at
The following is an outline of the Commission’s procedures for reviewing complaints: (For further information on the Commission’s procedures please refer to Section VI, Rules of Process and Procedure, Standards of Accreditation.)
- All complaints that are reviewed by the Commission must be in written form and should include permission from the complainant for ACCSC to forward a copy of the complaint to the school. If permission is not included in the complaint letter, the Commission will forward a copy of the ACCSC Complaint Form requesting the complainant’s permission. If a complainant does not submit a signed complaint form, the Commission, at its discretion, may not be able to process the complaint.
Permission is not necessary for advertising complaints since advertising is considered public information.
- The Commission will conduct an initial review of the complaint to determine whether the complaint sets forth information or allegations that reasonably suggest that a school may not be in compliance with ACCSC standards or requirements.
- If additional information or clarification is required, the Commission will send a request to the complainant. If the requested information is not received within 30 days, the complaint may be considered abandoned and not investigated by ACCSC.
- If the Commission determines after the initial review of the complaint that the information or allegations do not reasonably suggest that a school may not be in compliance with ACCSC standards or requirements, the complaint may be considered closed and not investigated by ACCSC.
- If the Commission determines after the initial review of the complaint that the information or allegations reasonably suggest that a school may not be in compliance with ACCSC standards or requirements, the Commission will forward the complaint to the school named in the complaint and will summarize the allegations, identify the ACCSC standards or requirements that the school allegedly violated, and allow the school an opportunity to respond. In the event that there is a pending on-site evaluation at the school, the on-site evaluation team and the school may be made aware of the complaint at any stage in this process. In all instances, the Commission will take the school’s response to the complaint into consideration prior to rendering a decision.
- In cases of advertising violations, the Commission will forward a copy of the advertisement to the school, citing the standard that may have been violated and requesting a response before a specific date.
- If a news article or media broadcast carries a negative report on an ACCSC accredited school, the school is requested to respond to the statement(s) on or before a specific date.
- The school will have an opportunity to submit a response to the complaint. The Commission will review the complaint and the response for compliance with accrediting standards and requirements.
- If the Commission concludes that the allegations may establish a violation of ACCSC standards or requirements, the Commission will take appropriate action to require the school to achieve compliance as required and will send a letter to the complainant (and a copy to the school). A record of this file is maintained at the Commission’s office.
- If the Commission concludes that the allegations do not establish a violation of standards or requirements, The Commission will consider the complaint closed.
- In all instances, the Commission will send a letter to the complainant and the school regarding the final disposition of the complaint, and a record of the complaint will be kept on file at the Commission’s office.
Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) Complaint Process (Medical Dosimetry programs are accredited by JRCERT)
Any student who wishes to pursue allegations of non-compliance with JRCERT Standards may do so by following the JRCERT Reporting Process located at Before submitting an allegation, the individual must first attempt to resolve the complaint directly with JPU by following JPU’s Grievance Policy and Procedure. The Grievance Policy and Procedure is provided in this Academic Catalog.
Important Notes for Reporting Allegations Against a Program
- The JRCERT cannot advocate on behalf of any student(s). An investigation into allegations of non-compliance addresses only the program’s compliance with accreditation standards and will not affect the status of any individual student.
- The investigation process may take several months.
- The JRCERT will not divulge the identity of any complainant(s) unless required to do so through legal process.
Before submitting allegations, the individual must first attempt to resolve the complaint directly with program/institution officials by following the due process or grievance procedures provided by the program/institution. Each program/institution is required to publish its internal complaint procedure in an informational document such as a catalog or student handbook. (Standard One, Objective 1.6)
If the individual is unable to resolve the complaint with program/institution officials or believes that the concerns have not been properly addressed, he or she may submit allegations of non-compliance to the JRCERT:
Chief Executive Officer
Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology Ph: (312) 704-5300
20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2850 Fax: (312) 704-5304
Chicago, IL 60606-3182 Email:
The Allegations Reporting Form is located at and must be completed and sent to the above address with required supporting materials. All submitted documentation must be legible. Forms submitted without a signature or the required supporting material will not be considered. If a complainant fails to submit appropriate materials as requested, the complaint will be closed.
The Higher Education Opportunities Act of 2008, as amended, provides that a student, graduate, faculty or any other individual who believes he or she has been aggrieved by an educational program or institution has the right to submit documented allegation(s) to the agency accrediting the institution or program.
The JRCERT, recognized by the United States Department of Education for the accreditation of radiography, radiation therapy, magnetic resonance, and medical dosimetry educational programs investigates allegation(s) submitted, in writing, signed by any individual with reason to believe that an accredited program has acted contrary to the relevant accreditation standards or that conditions at the program appear to jeopardize the quality of instruction or the general welfare of its students.