Satisfactory Academic Progress

John Patrick University of Health and Applied Sciences has the following Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for all students. These standards require that a student make progress toward an undergraduate or graduate program of study during all periods of enrollment, including periods when a student did not receive financial aid.

Minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards

  • Maintain required minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) or higher (a qualitative measure).  The minimum acceptable cumulative GPA for undergraduate students is 2.0.  The minimum acceptable cumulative GPA for graduate students is 3.0.
  • Successfully complete at least 67% of the cumulative attempted credit hours(a quantitative measure) and
  • Make positive progress toward a program of study within 150% of the average published program length.
  • Unsuccessfully completed courses must be completed successfully during the second attempt (Effective May 1, 2018)
  • Successfully complete the program Capstone or culminating course during the first attempt.
  • For programs that require the accumulation of hours in a clinical setting, the student must successfully complete any Track or Preceptor Evaluation required in the applicable program curriculum during the first attempt.

Statuses of Academic Progress

  1. Satisfactory – Student is meeting the minimum academic standards or has no academic history. Fully Eligible for financial aid.
  2. Warning – Student did not meet minimum standards for cumulative GPA and/or 67% completion rate in the previous evaluation period. Student must reach all minimum standards by the end of the next evaluation period. This is also referred to as academic probation.
  3. Unsatisfactory Progress – Student has had two consecutive evaluation periods below minimum standards for cumulative GPA and/or 67% completion rate. Student is Ineligible for financial aid, and may face academic probation or dismissal. Two consecutive periods below minimum will require a meeting with the Vice President of Academic affairs or other designated person with possible dismissal from the program.
  4. Timeframe – Student has attempted at least 180 credit hours toward a Bachelor’s Degree. Graduate students must earn their degree within the timelines set by the Graduate School per their graduate program. If a student exceeds these credit hour limits, they are not making progress toward a degree within the 150% federal requirement. Student is Ineligible for financial aid, and maybe dismissed from the program.

Refer to the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy and Procedures section of the Academic Catalog.


Federal student aid is based on the percentage of time you are enrolled for the semester.  12 credits or more is considered full-time enrollment for undergraduate students.  9 credits or more is considered full-time enrollment for graduate students.

Withdrawing from the University will cancel your financial aid for future semesters.  If you are a re-entering student, please contact the Financial Aid office to request consideration for reinstatement of your aid.

Students who withdraw at any point during the semester will have their aid adjusted according to the Federal Return of Title IV formula.  Tuition and fees will be adjusted according to the Institutional Refund Policy.

Official Withdrawal
An action taken by the student to discontinue enrollment in a course or courses during weeks 2 through 10.  The student must contact the Director of Administrative Services to via email, campus messaging system, phone, or in-person.  The student may be responsible for all or part of tuition based on the percentage of the course or courses they attended.  Withdrawn courses are noted on the transcript as a “W”.

Unofficial Withdrawal
Students who stop attending all of their classes without officially withdrawing are considered to be unofficially withdrawn.  The Withdrawal Date is the student’s Last Date of Attendance, as determined by the Instructor or other means of attendance tracking.  The last date of attendance will be determined by the last day the student attended a live session for their course(s), or submitted an assignment, whichever occurs later.  The Date of Determination occurs no later than 14 consecutive calendar days from the Last Date of Attendance and is the date JPU determines the student has unofficially withdrawn.  JPU uses the Withdrawal Date to determine the percent of the term the student attended.  Federal aid received during the semester will be subject to the federal return calculation.  The Withdrawal Date is the date used to determine the percent of the term the student attended for the purposes of the calculation.  JPU will return any funds due no later than 45 days after the Date of Determination. 

Failure to Attend

Students are expected to attend classes and maintain positive communication with Instructors and Teacher’s Aides, and complete required course work.  Federal Regulations require the University to calculate a return of federal student aid funds for students who withdraw (officially or unofficially) from all classes on or before the sixty percent (60%) attendance point in the semester.

For students who officially withdraw, the Withdrawal Date is the date the University is notified of the student’s request to withdraw via phone, email, campus messaging system, or in-person.  For students who are unofficially withdrawn, the Withdrawal Date is the Last Date of Attendance.  Refer to Unofficial Withdrawal.

Return of Title IV (R2T4) Policy
The law specifies how John Patrick University of Health and Applied Sciences must determine the amount of Title IV program assistance that you earn if you withdraw from school. The Title IV programs covered by this law are: Federal Pell Grants, Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants, TEACH Grants, Direct Loans, Direct PLUS Loans, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOGs), and Federal Perkins Loans. 

Though your aid is posted to your account at the start of each period, you earn the funds as you complete the period. If you withdraw during your payment period or period of enrollment (semester), the amount of Title IV program assistance that you have earned up to that point is determined by a specific formula. If you received (or your school or parent received on your behalf) less assistance than the amount that you earned, you may be able to receive those additional funds. If you received more assistance than you earned, the excess funds must be returned by the school and/or you. 

Earned and Unearned Assistance
The amount of assistance you have earned is determined on a pro rata basis. For example, if you completed 30% of your payment period or period of enrollment, you earn 30% of the assistance you were originally scheduled to receive. Once you have completed more than 60% of the payment period or period of enrollment, you earn all the assistance that you were scheduled to receive for that period. 

Post-Withdrawal Disbursement
If you did not receive all of the funds that you earned, you may be due a post-withdrawal disbursement. If your post-withdrawal disbursement includes loan funds, JPU must get your permission before disbursing them. You may choose to decline some or all of the loan funds so that you don’t incur additional debt. JPU may automatically use all or a portion of your post-withdrawal disbursement of grant funds for tuition, fees, and room and board charges (as contracted with the school). JPU needs your permission to use the post-withdrawal grant disbursement for all other school charges. If you do not give your permission (some schools ask for this when you enroll), you will be offered the funds. However, it may be in your best interest to allow JPU to keep the funds to reduce your debt at JPU. 

There are some Title IV funds you were scheduled to receive that cannot be disbursed to you once you withdraw because of other eligibility requirements. For example, if you are a first-time, first-year undergraduate student and you have not completed the first 30 days of your program before you withdraw, you will not receive any Direct Loan funds that you would have received had you remained enrolled past the 30th day. 

If you receive (or your school or parent receive on your behalf) excess Title IV program funds that must be returned, JPU must return a portion of the excess equal to the lesser of: 

  • Your institutional charges multiplied by the unearned percentage of your funds, or 
  • The entire amount of excess funds. 

JPU must return this amount even if it didn’t keep this amount of your Title IV program funds. If JPU is not required to return all of the excess funds, you must return the remaining amount. 

The Order of Returning Title IV funds: 
1.     Unsubsidized Direct Loan 
2.     Subsidized Direct Staff Loan 
3.     Perkins Loan 
4.     Direct Grad PLUS Loan 
5.     Direct Parent PLUS Loan 
6.     Pell Grant 
9.     FSEOG 
10. TEACH Grant 
11. Iraq & Afghanistan Service Grant 

Any loan funds that you must return, you (or your parent for a Direct PLUS Loan) repay in accordance with the terms of the promissory note. That is, you make scheduled payments to the holder of the loan over a period of time. 

Any amount of unearned grant funds that you must return is called an overpayment. The maximum amount of a grant overpayment that you must repay is half of the grant funds you received or were scheduled to receive. You do not have to repay a grant overpayment if the original amount of the overpayment is $50 or less. You must make arrangements with JPU or the Department of Education to return the unearned grant funds. 

Return of Title IV Policy and JPU Refund Policy 
When you withdraw, the requirements for Title IV program funds are separate from any refund policy that JPU may have. Therefore, you may still owe funds to JPU to cover unpaid institutional charges. You may also be responsible for charges that initially had been paid by Title IV funds, where those funds were required to be returned to Title IV.  If you do not already know JPU’s refund policy, you should request a copy from the Director of Administrative Services or refer to the Academic Catalog.  JPU can also provide you with the requirements and procedures for officially withdrawing from school. 

If you have questions about your Title IV program funds, you can call the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-4-FEDAID (1-800-433-3243). TTY users may call 1-800-730-8913.  Information is also available on Student Aid on the Web at