California Code of Regulations for Approved Diagnostic and Therapeutic Schools
John Patrick University of Health and Applied Sciences is seeking approval through the California Department of Public Health-Radiologic Health Branch (CDPH-RHB) for its Radiologic Technology program and Radiation Therapy programs. Approval would allow JPU to place students within these programs in clinical sites within the State of California. Approved programs follow the following Code of Regulations.
Clinical Site Assignments in California
Radiologic Technology Program
Students who choose to accumulate hours and competencies at a clinical site located in the State of California to complete requirements for the Clinical Practice I (RTE150) and Clinical Practice II (RTE250) courses are required to accumulate a minimum of 1,850 hours.
The Program complies with all sections within the California Code of Regulations Title 17 pertaining to Approved Diagnostic Radiologic Technology Schools.
Radiation Therapy Program
Students who choose to accumulate hours and competencies at a clinical site located in the State of California to complete requirements for the Clinical Orientation (RTT320), Clinical Practice I (RTT420) and Clinical Practice II (RTT421) courses are required to accumulate a minimum of 1,500 hours.
The Program complies with all sections within the California Code of Regulations Title 17 pertaining to Approved Therapeutic Radiologic Technology Schools.
17 CCR 30417
(a) Each clinical site used by the following approved schools shall designate in writing a lead supervising licentiate who possesses the specified certificate or permit, as follows:
(1) For diagnostic radiologic technology schools, radiologic technologist fluoroscopy permit schools, and limited permit X-ray technician schools, the lead supervising licentiate shall possess either a:
(A) Radiology supervisor and operator certificate. For limited permit X-ray technician schools teaching the dental X-ray laboratory category, the radiology supervisor and operator certificate holder may only be a licensed physician and surgeon; or
(B) Radiography supervisor and operator permit and, when applicable, a fluoroscopy supervisor and operator permit. For limited permit X-ray technician schools teaching the dental X-ray laboratory category, the radiography supervisor and operator permit holder may only be a licensed physician and surgeon;
(2) For therapeutic radiologic technology schools, the lead supervising licentiate shall possess a radiology supervisor and operator certificate.
(b) The lead supervising licentiate shall:
(1) Be responsible for supervision of students and for the acts and omissions of both students and any other individual providing direct or indirect oversight to students;
(2) Ensure a supervising licentiate is available for consultation by both students and any other individuals providing direct or indirect oversight to students; and
(3) Be responsible for compliance with the clinical site’s affiliation agreement, or, if an affiliation agreement is not required, section 30415(a)(2).
(c) Except as provided in subsection (e), diagnostic radiologic technology students, when operating X-ray equipment, shall be under direct oversight until the student has achieved competency for the particular procedure. For students in a radiologic technology certification school, the determination that the student has achieved competency shall be made by a qualified practitioner who is either a CRT, as applicable, with at least two years of radiologic technology experience, or a supervising licentiate. For students in a limited permit X-ray technician school, the determination that the student has achieved competency shall be made by a qualified practitioner, as applicable, with at least two years of radiologic technology experience, except that a supervising licentiate need not meet the two-year requirement. Once a student has achieved competency, the student may then perform procedures under indirect oversight. However, students shall continue to be under direct oversight during performance of a repeat of any unsatisfactory radiograph or image. The competency determination shall be written, dated, and printed and signed by the person making the determination.
(d) Students of therapeutic radiologic technology, when operating X-ray equipment, shall be under direct oversight at all times.
(e) Students in an approved limited permit X-ray technician school teaching the category of DEXA, when operating X-ray equipment, shall be under direct oversight at all times.
(f) Approved schools shall maintain and make available to the department for inspection records of competency determinations and documentation of personnel qualifications.
17 CCR 30435
(a) Within 30 days after any of the following, an official of an approved school shall, in writing, inform the Department of:
(1) Change in the school’s location or telephone number.
(2) Change in course offerings, only if the changes result in the school curricula no longer meeting the requirements contained in sections 30421, 30422, 30423, 30424, 30425, or 30426, as applicable.
(3) Change of program director or clinical coordinator.
(4) Change of affiliation agreements, only if the content of the agreement after changes no longer meets the requirements contained in section 30415.
(5) If a school is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology, change in accreditation status.
(6) Discontinuance of use of an affiliated clinical site.
17 CCR 30437
(a) A school approved pursuant to section 30412 or an LPREP, shall:
(1) Issue to each student who graduates from or who successfully completes the required educational program, a certificate or diploma, which includes:
(A) The student’s name;
(B) The name, or the limited permit category listed in section 30442, of the educational program completed by the student;
(C) The date(s) of attendance;
(D) The approval number as indicated on the Department-issued approval document; and
(E) The signature of the LPREP’s lead training instructor or the school’s chief executive officer, dean or department administrator;
(2) Within 30 days of discontinuance of the school or LPREP notify the Department of how all records kept pursuant to subsection (b) will be preserved and surrender the approval certificate to the Department; and
(3) Within 30 days of discontinuance of instruction in any limited permit category, notify the Department of the discontinuance.
(b) Each school approved pursuant to section 30412 or LPREP shall retain for at least five years and make available for inspection by the Department:
(1) Records of attendance;
(2) Competency determinations made pursuant to sections 30417 or 30427, as appropriate;
(3) Except for radiologic technology certification schools and LPREPs, proof of performance of laboratory procedures;
(4) Certificates or diplomas issued; and
(5) Except for LPREPs, program transcripts.
17 CCR 30422
Approved therapeutic radiologic technology schools shall require that each student who graduates from the school completes:
(a) The “Radiation Therapy Professional Curriculum”* published 2009 by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT), which is hereby incorporated by reference.
(b) At least 1,500 hours of clinical training, demonstrating competence in those areas required to meet the clinical competency requirements specified in “Radiation Therapy Didactic and Clinical Competency Requirements” [FN*] effective January 2011, published by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists, which is hereby incorporated by reference.
(c) The training and education specified in Health and Safety Code Section 106985(d).
Copies of the ARRT and ASRT documents referenced in this section may be obtained at and
17 CCR 30415
(a) Except as specified in subsection (c), an affiliation agreement shall, at a minimum:
(1) Identify each party by name;
(2) Contain a termination clause that at a minimum provides three months notice of termination or assurance that currently enrolled students assigned to the facility will be able to complete their clinical assignment at that facility.
(3) Include the name, signature, and date of signature of the:
(A) Person, including the person’s title, who has the authority to commit the clinical site to the affiliation agreement; and
(B) Program director of the approved school; and
(4) Be updated as changes, including changes to personnel and party names, occur.
(b) All affiliated clinical sites are subject to announced and unannounced Department inspections.
( c) An affiliation agreement is not required of approved schools whose clinical site is under the same business entity.
{California Code, Health, and Safety Code – HSC § 106985(d)}
(d) The radiologic technologist shall have completed both of the following:
(1) Received a total of 10 hours of instruction, including all of the following:
(A) Anatomy and physiology of venipuncture sites.
(B) Venipuncture instruments, intravenous solutions, and related equipment.
(C) Puncture techniques.
(D) Techniques of intravenous line establishment.
(E) Hazards and complications of venipuncture.
(F) Post puncture care.
(G) Composition and purpose of antianaphylaxis tray.
(H) First aid and basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
(2) Performed 10 venipunctures on a human or training mannequin upper extremity (for example, an infusion arm or a mannequin arm) under personal supervision. If performance is on a human, only an upper extremity may be used.